Health and Safety
Health & Safety At Work (NI) Order
General Statement
ZEST places the greatest importance on health and safety matters and undertakes to conduct operations in such a way as to ensure the health and safety of all its employees, visitors and the general public. Therefore, it is ZEST’s policy to comply rigorously with all health and safety legislation, codes of practice, best guidance and work methods. Furthermore it is ZEST’s objective to create and develop an environment in which there is a conscious awareness of the vital importance of health and safety through education, training and supervision. To this end ZEST is committed to take the following actions:
- To do all that is reasonably practicable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards including the public insofar as they come into contact with ZEST.
- To provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
- To provide training, instruction and supervision to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently.
- To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use.
ZEST regards the promotion of health and safety measures as a mutual objective for management and employees at all levels. For this reason ZEST reminds all employees of their duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy by:
- Working safely and efficiently
- Using the protective equipment provided
- Reporting incidents that led or may lead to injury or damage
- Assisting in the investigation of accidents with the object of introducing measures to prevent recurrence
In order to create a healthy and safe working environment and to develop an awareness of the importance of health and safety a full statement of the principles and practices governing health and safety is issued to all new employees. It is their duty to make themselves fully conversant with the contents of this document.
Health and Safety Statement of Intent
It is ZEST’s firm intent to enforce appropriate measures to control and monitor health and safety procedures as a vital part of running ZEST as an efficient, successful and safe operation. Therefore, so far as reasonably practicable, ZEST will:
- Ensure that equipment and working practices are safe and offer no hazard and risk to health
- Ensure that all necessary precautions are taken in respect of the safe use of equipment and resources
- Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all employees
- Maintain all places of work and work equipment under its control in a safe condition, free from risk to health and safety
- Provide adequate facilities for the welfare of employees
- Safeguard the health and safety of visitors and of any members of the general public who could be affected by its activities
- Provide all necessary information relating to health and safety in respect of procedures and services and where necessary consult with employees or their representatives
- Review and update the policy as and when necessary particularly in respect of major changes within ZEST premises and/or changes in legislation and bring these changes to the attention of all employees
- Ensure that all employees are mindful of their health and safety responsibilities
- Ensure the policy is monitored in the workplace
Employee Duties and Responsibilities
The health and safety legislation not only places duties on management but also on staff members to look after their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.
To ensure staff members are aware of the legal requirements and their responsibilities, ZEST has provided within the Health and Safety Handbook all the relevant information regarding organisational rules and procedures.
They are supplied for the benefit of staff and the benefit of others – staff should familiarise themselves with them.
Duties of Employees
It is the duty of every employee whilst at work:
- To take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work
- To co-operate with any duty or requirement imposed by ZEST or by statutory obligations
- To refrain from the wilful measures or interference with anything provided in the interests of health and safety and welfare.
- To report any hazards found
Employee Responsibilities
At the ZEST offices emergency arrangements and procedures with which all staff should be familiar are:
- FIRE – notices instructing staff on how to act on discovering a fire and/or hearing the fire alarm are displayed in all rooms
- BOMB WARNINGS – security and safety procedures
- FIRST AID – first aid equipment is available at reception on the ground floor
- ACCIDENTS – for accidents involving injury to any person(s), the most immediate requirement is for first aid to be administered. All accidents causing death or major injury, or any dangerous occurrence, will be reported immediately (refer to Health and Safety Handbook). Within seven days a written report will be completed and sent to the area office by the Director of Corporate Services (or his/her specified nominee)
Line Manager’s Duties and Responsibilities
Line managers, as representatives of ZEST, should ensure that:
- Each member of staff is aware of and understands organisational policy in relation to emergency arrangements in the event of fire, bomb alert or other emergency
- Staff work in a manner that prevents risk to themselves or others
- All machinery, equipment and substances used in their units are properly used in accordance with supplier’s instructions, which must be readily available
- Safety devices are properly adjusted and maintained
- All machinery and equipment is frequently inspected to make sure it is properly maintained and safe to use
- Good standards of housekeeping are maintained
- Regular reviews of working practices are carried out to improve health and safety
- Protective clothing and/or equipment is provided and used where necessary
- All staff are aware that violation of procedures, instigated by management in the interests of the safety and welfare of employees and other people on the premises, constitutes an offence in law
- Disregard for health and safety procedures by employees may result in disciplinary action being taken by management